Queens On A Roll

S2 Episode 13: Employment The Struggle is Real!

Latavia & Various Guests Season 2 Episode 13

Description of Image: Black background On the left is an African American female with a white off the shoulder shirt in a wheelchair. Then Queens On A Roll in Gray Letters with a purple outline with a crown on the Q. The word Roll looks like a wheelchair and the word podcast in Gray Letters with a purple outline in all four corners

In this episode I am doing another installment of i'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I express my frustration and  discuss the obstacles that we as ably different people face with employment. So Come Roll with Me!

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(Instrumental Music) You gotta Dstackz Beat

(00:03.3 - 00:06.3)

(Instrumental Music) Yeah, I gotta Dstackz beat.

(00:06.4 - 00:09.8)

(Instrumental Music)

(00:09.8 - 00:11.7)

(Instrumental Music) Listen to the beat y'all

(00:11.7 - 00:14.4)

(Instrumental Music)

(00:14.4 - 00:17.3)

(Instrumental Music) Come on, Dstackz, bring it in.

(00:17.3 - 00:19.6)

(Instrumental Music)

(00:19.6 - 00:24.8)

(Instrumental Music & Singing) Heyyyyy, Heyyy, Heyy, Hey

(00:24.8 - 00:27.6)

(Instrumental Music)

(00:27.6 - 00:38.3)

(Instrumental Music & Singing) Wooo Queens On A Roll, Woohoo Queen On A Roll

(00:38.3 - 00:43.2)

(Instrumental Music & Singing) Powerful Queen On A Roll

(00:43.2 - 00:49.0)

(Instrumental Music & Singing) Beautiful Queens, Queens, Queens On A Roll

(00:49.0 - 00:58.9)

(Instrumental Music & Singing) We're moving, we're grooving, we're jamming we're slamming Queens On A Roll

(00:58.9 - 01:08.3)

(Instrumental Music & Singing) We're moving, we're grooving, we're jamming we're slamming Queens, Queens, Queens On A Roll

(01:08.3 - 01:18.2)

(Instrumental Music & Singing) She's educating and inspiring everyone that has challenges Queens, Queens, Queens On A Roll

(01:18.2 - 01:28.3)

(Instrumental Music & Singing) She's educating and inspiring everyone and having fun she's Queens On A Roll

(01:28.3 - 01:37.6)

(Instrumental Music & Singing) Wooo Queens On A Roll OOO Who Queen On A Roll

(01:37.6 - 01:42.1)

(Instrumental Music & Singing) Powerful Queens On A Roll

(01:42.1 - 01:48.6)

(Instrumental Music & Singing) Beautiful Queen On A Roll

(01:48.6 - 01:58.9)

(Instrumental Music & Singing) Come Roll With Us, OO Who Come Roll with Us

(01:58.9 - 02:07.4)

(Instrumental Music & Singing) Come Roll With Us, Woohoo Come Roll with Us!

(02:07.4 - 02:17.5)

(Instrumental Music & Singing) Wooo Queen On A Roll, Wooo Who Queen On A Roll

(02:17.5 - 02:30.0)

(Instrumental Music & Singing) Ooo Queens, Queens, Queens & Bells Chiming

(02:30.0 - 02:34.7)

Hey Everyone! And Welcome Back to Queens On A Roll podcast

(02:34.7 - 02:38.4)

This is Latavia here, and I'm back with another installment

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of I'm Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired.

(02:41.1 - 02:44.2)

Alright, let's roll.

(02:44.2 - 03:33.3)

(Instrumental Music)

(03:33.3 - 03:38.4)

(I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired when is change gonna come Sound Effect)

(03:38.4 - 03:40.6)

So I am so sick and tired of being

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sick and tired of employment opportunities being scarce or

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difficult for individuals in the ably different community.

(03:47.5 - 03:49.2)

When is that going to change?

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We want to work, but there's always

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three obstacles in front of us.

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So buckle up and get ready because I am

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going to tell you all about them.

(03:57.0 - 04:01.3)

(Buckle Up & Get Ready Sound Effect)

(04:01.3 - 04:03.5)

The first hurdle is when we go on an

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interview and they don't hire us even when we

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have the credentials, because you can see on their

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faces they are thinking we will be a liability.

(04:11.2 - 04:12.5)

Now, I know some of y'all may

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be thinking, but the ADA protects us

(04:14.8 - 04:17.3)

against discrimination based on our disability.

(04:17.4 - 04:18.1)

And it does.

(04:18.2 - 04:21.3)

But let's be honest, it has to be explicitly stated

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like, we are not going to you because we

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can't accommodate your needs at this place of employment.

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But nine times out of ten, that's not what we get.

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It's implicit.

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You walk into the interview and you get the

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looks, the shocked look, and you can just feel

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you won't get the job because of your disability.

(04:36.7 - 04:39.3)

And they say, we appreciate you and we will give

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you a call back, but you never get one.

(04:41.6 - 04:43.4)

Now tell me, how are we supposed to

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make a case for discrimination with that?

(04:45.6 - 04:48.5)

I remember one day when I was going down for

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an interview and my mom drove me to the interview.

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We were sitting, waiting for the interviewer

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to come out and she said, Latavia.

(04:55.6 - 04:58.4)

And she looked straight at my mom, I guess because

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she was expecting my mom to be the interviewee.

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But when I decided to roll up and go into

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the office, she had a shocked look on her face.

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That's some of the things that we face all the time.

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And enough is enough.

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The second hurdle is the fear of losing

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the SSI or Social Security income check.

(05:16.9 - 05:19.4)

And for most ably different people, it's not so

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much about losing the money as it is losing

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the security that it provides us with, because it

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provides us with a lot of security.

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But when we start working, that Social Security income

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goes away because they start cutting the check.

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Because at least in New York State,

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you can only make $1,767 a month. Yes, that's right.

(05:38.8 - 05:39.6)

You heard me.

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$1,767 a month.

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If you make over that, which you will, especially if

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you work full time at the minimum wage, which is

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$15 an hour, they will cut you off.

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But that's not the only thing that gets cut off.

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The medicaid does, too.

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And we need the Medicaid to pay

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for our medical needs and medical equipment.

(05:59.4 - 06:01.5)

Now, some of you may say, well, you can apply

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for Medicaid separately, and you're right again, we can.

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But the amount we can't make over

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for Medicaid is $934 a month.

(06:10.0 - 06:14.0)

Yes, let me say that again for you, $934 a month.

(06:14.1 - 06:15.7)

So at this point, you're damned if

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you do, damned if you don't.

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Because our employment income may not be steady, because when we

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don't feel well, we can't go to work, or if our

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chair breaks down, we are forced to stay home.

(06:25.8 - 06:28.1)

And some of us live on our own, so we

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have bills to pay, like rent and a light bill.

(06:30.4 - 06:33.0)

So we are forced to quit because we rather have

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a steady source of income and medical needs versus a

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paycheck that may fluctuate due to our condition.

(06:39.1 - 06:42.1)

So I think what the government should do for people who

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are ably different and receiving an SSI check, I think they

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should put us on a 90 day probationary period just like

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they would do if we started a new job.

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They put us on a 90 day probationary period,

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and after the 90 day probationary period, if we're

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still on the job, then slowly decrease the amount

(06:59.8 - 07:02.7)

of the check but leave us on Medicaid because

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some jobs don't give us medical insurance.

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And we need Medicaid to make sure that our

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medical equipment, which the most important one, is our

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wheelchair so that we can get to and from

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work, is in tip top shape.

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So they should definitely leave us on Medicaid.

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Which leads me to my third hurdle.

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When you finally do get a job, sometimes the

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place may not have the accommodation you need to

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even work there, which is absolutely ridiculous.

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I mean, most of the time, these

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accommodations are not difficult at all.

(07:37.4 - 07:40.5)

It's an accessible restroom and sometimes a

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desk for you to sit at.

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So it's not complicated.

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I say an accessible restroom

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because sometimes there isn't one.

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Sometimes you can't even get in the bathroom or you

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can't even move to turn around in the restroom.

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And sometimes you need a desk to sit at because they

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don't have desks that are high enough for you to be

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able to sit up while sitting in your wheelchair.

(08:00.4 - 08:05.2)

So these are simple accommodations, and sometimes, even when you are

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on a job or when you're going for a job, you

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have to be very strategic about where you decide to work

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and in what capacity you decide to work.

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So, for example, I decided to become an independent contractor,

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not really by choice, but by necessity, because it gives

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me the flexibility I need to work and take care

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of my medical needs because if I was on a

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regular nine to five at a facility, if I needed

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to take off, I have to request it.

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They have to grant it and then I can take off.

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That is not feasible, especially

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if my wheelchair breaks down.

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That happens sporadically.

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So being an independent contractor SLP allows me

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to take off when I need to.

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So basically I'm my own boss and

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I can decide that for myself.

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Then sometimes you have to be apprehensive about furthering

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your career and applying for a new job because

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let's say you get the new job.

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You have to advocate for accommodations in addition to

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making sure you are performing your job responsibilities to

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the best of your ability, which is a headache.

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Sometimes you're just like it's not worth the aggravation

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and you want to scream and cry because you're

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like why is everything so easy for our able

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body counterparts and not for us?

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Why do we always have to think of

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extraneous factors just to do what they do?

(09:19.2 - 09:23.7)

It's not fair and it needs to change now!

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(Delayed Beat Sound Effect)

(09:27.0 - 09:30.0)

I'm not entirely sure of how to change it

(09:30.0 - 09:33.2)

Maybe we should start with government mandating, that things

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be in place for people who are ably

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different to work at different places of employment.

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Or maybe it's just gonna take the able body community

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not seeing us as a liability but as an asset.

(09:44.7 - 09:47.1)

And when is that going to change? I don't know.

(09:47.2 - 09:50.8)

Maybe it's when they see more of us in the workforce.

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That's why we have to keep going.

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We have to keep fighting and we have

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to keep fighting to be seen and heard.

(09:58.3 - 10:01.8)

Working is something that we all want to do, right?

(10:01.9 - 10:03.7)

But it is very hard for

(10:03.8 - 10:05.4)

people who are ably different.

(10:05.4 - 10:08.3)

We have to think of so many different things.

(10:08.4 - 10:11.0)

So things definitely do need to change and

(10:11.0 - 10:15.0)

it is very, very aggravating and everyone who is

(10:15.1 - 10:17.4)

out here listening, who is ably different.

(10:17.5 - 10:19.5)

If you are trying to find a job,

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if you're in the process of interviewing, please

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don't give up, please don't get discouraged.

(10:24.2 - 10:25.8)

Continue to do so.

(10:25.9 - 10:29.3)

They need to see more of us out here being productive

(10:29.4 - 10:32.9)

members of society and just out there in the workforce.

(10:32.9 - 10:34.1)

So please keep going.

(10:34.2 - 10:36.2)

I'm telling you, if it happened for

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me, it will happen for you.

(10:37.5 - 10:39.1)

We just gotta keep fighting to

(10:39.1 - 10:40.9)

be seen and to be heard.

(10:41.1 - 10:43.0)

So on that note, I would like

(10:43.1 - 10:44.9)

to leave you guys with a quote.

(10:45.0 - 10:49.3)

So it is time for the quote of the episode!

(10:49.3 - 11:39.2)

(Instrumental Music)

(11:39.2 - 11:42.3)

The quote is by Martin Luther King Jr.

(11:42.4 - 11:44.7)

If you can't fly, then run.

(11:44.8 - 11:46.7)

If you can't run, then walk.

(11:46.8 - 11:48.7)

If you can't walk, then crawl.

(11:48.8 - 11:51.9)

But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.

(11:52.0 - 11:55.3)

And that so much embodies this episode, right?

(11:55.4 - 11:58.7)

Because we are going to face so many challenges,

(11:58.7 - 12:00.9)

not just in the workforce, but just in life,

(12:01.0 - 12:04.2)

in general just because we have disabilities and just

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because sometimes it can be difficult for us.

(12:07.5 - 12:10.6)

But we have to keep pushing forward through all of

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that so that we can be seen and heard.

(12:13.2 - 12:16.5)

And eventually, if we keep persevering, if we keep

(12:16.6 - 12:19.7)

pushing to be seen and heard, we will finally

(12:19.8 - 12:22.8)

get to the finish line and be seen and

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heard and people will take us seriously.

(12:25.3 - 12:28.9)

People will know we are a part of society and we are

(12:29.0 - 12:32.9)

out here doing our thing just as much as they are.

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(Instrumental Music)

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So thank you guys so much for joining me today!

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I so appreciate you sharing, subscribing

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and running my numbers up.

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You guys are awesome.

(13:32.4 - 13:34.7)

I do have a patreon account if you would

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like to donate to Queens On A Roll podcast.

(13:37.5 - 13:40.2)

I will put the link in the comments in my YouTube

(13:40.3 - 13:44.5)

channel, my Instagram, my Facebook page and my Tik tok.

(13:44.6 - 13:47.1)

I would greatly appreciate your support.

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I love you guys so, so much.

(13:50.1 - 13:51.6)

Thank you again.

(13:51.8 - 13:53.2)

You guys are awesome.

(13:53.4 - 13:55.3)

If you have any questions for me,

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you can reach me at queensonaroll.podcast@gmail.com.

(13:59.8 - 14:04.1)

Again, my email is queensonaroll.podcast@gmail.com.

(14:04.2 - 14:05.5)

You guys are awesome.

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Thank you again so, so, so much.

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And we are rolling out!

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See you guys next week! Bye!

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(Instrumental Music)

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PLEASE go follow our insta @queensonaroll.podcast & FB Queens On A Roll & submit those questions to queensonaroll.podcast@gmail.com

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