Queens On A Roll
Queens On A Roll
S3 QOAR Episode 1: A Religious Perspective On The Past & Present
Description of Image: Black background On the left is an African American female with a white off the shoulder shirt in a wheelchair. Then Queens On A Roll in Gray Letters with a purple outline with a crown on the Q. The word Roll looks like a wheelchair and the word podcast in Gray Letters with a purple outline in all four corners
Happy New Year!!! And Welcome to A New Season of Queens On A Roll! In this Episode I sit down with Pastor Burrison to reflect on how COVID has changed our outlook on the previous years and what we are looking forward to in 2023. So Come Roll With Us!
(Instrumental Music) You gotta Dstackz Beat
(Instrumental Music) Yeah I gotta Dstackz Beat
(Instrumental Music)
(Instrumental Music) Listen to the beat y'all
(Instrumental Music)
(Instrumental Music) Come on, Dstackz, bring it in.
(Instrumental Music)
(Instrumental Music & Singing) Heyyyyy, Heyyy, Heyy, Hey
(Instrumental Music)
(Instrumental Music & Singing) Wooo Queens On A Roll, Woohoo Queen On A Roll
(Instrumental Music & Singing) Powerful Queen On A Roll
(Instrumental Music & Singing) Beautiful Queens, Queens, Queens On A Roll
(Instrumental Music & Singing) We're moving, we're grooving, we're jamming we're slamming Queens On A Roll
(Instrumental Music & Singing) We're moving, we're grooving, we're jamming we're slamming Queens, Queens, Queens On A Roll
(Instrumental Music & Singing) She's educating and inspiring everyone that has challenges Queens, Queens, Queens On A Roll
(Instrumental Music & Singing) She's educating and inspiring everyone and having fun she's Queens On A Roll
(Instrumental Music & Singing) Wooo Queens On A Roll OOO Who Queen On A Roll
(Instrumental Music & Singing) Powerful Queens On A Roll
(Instrumental Music & Singing) Beautiful Queen On A Roll
(Instrumental Music & Singing) Come Roll With Us, OO Who Come Roll with Us
(Instrumental Music & Singing) Come Roll With Us, Woohoo Come Roll with Us!
(Instrumental Music & Singing) Wooo Queen On A Roll, Wooo Who Queen On A Roll
(Instrumental Music & Singing) Ooo Queens, Queens, Queens & Bells Chiming
Hey, everyone, and welcome back to
Queens On A Roll podcast.
This is Latavia here.
And I have Pastor Derrick Burrison here with me today.
And we're gonna talk about the perception of 2022
because, you know, it's a new year and what
we want coming into the new year of 2023.
And happy New Year, everyone.
I'm so excited to be in a new year with all of you.
Thank you for listening.
Hi, Pastor Burrison.
How are you?
I am great. I'm great. I'm great.
Thank you for allowing us to be
a part of this conversation on today.
So happy to be with you.
Happy New Year to you.
Haven't seen you since last year. (Pastor Burrison laughing)
I know, I know it's been a minute, but
thank you so much for coming on. Yes.
And wanting to share this with everyone.
I greatly, greatly, greatly appreciate it.
But before we get into it, I would like
(It's time for roll call sound effect)
I would like to thank Shontay Usman and Eric Green for their
donations to Queens On A Roll Podcast.
I thank y'all so much for
supporting the podcast, for supporting me.
Thank you so much again.
And you guys are amazing.
(Cheering Sound Effect)
So let's roll!
(Instrumental Music)
So, Pastor Burrison, what is your perception of 2022?
What were some of the highs and the lows for you?
Well, 2022 was a great year of really refocusing,
regrouping after being in the heart of a pandemic.
So it gave us a little time to kind of refocus
and to regroup and to prepare for, I believe this, 2023.
Of course, there were disappointments.
Of course there were things that we
didn't really wanna deal with.
But I think it was a great learning period for
us to refocus and say, hey, I've got to pull
myself together and get ready for what's next.
Yeah, I think you're right, because 2020, we had the
pandemic, and then 2021, we were still in the pandemic.
It was a lot of adjusting to something new.
Everybody was so fearful, so scared,
and now it's like, we're getting
back to our regularly scheduled programming. Right.
And so it was daunting to have to go back. Right.
I know.
For me, when I had to go back to work in
the school building, I'm like, oh, boy, I don't wanna
catch COVID I don't wanna be around COVID.
I'd rather be at home.
So it was definitely a shift. I do agree.
2022 was a learning period. Pastor Burrison: Yes Latavia: I would say for me
There was a bunch of highs and a bunch of lows, you know
and actually this past couple of years have been tough.
You know. Pastor Burrison: Absolutely Latavia: You know you kinda have to take the punches and keep on
rolling and keep getting back up and keep going.
And it made us tough.
It really made us tough because of the punches,
as you just mentioned, those punches made us really
stronger than what I think we really believe.
I think that some people did buckle under the punch, but
there were some of us who were very resilient that even
with the punches, we said, hey, I can't stop.
I can't die, I can't give up.
I can't submit to whatever's
going on in the atmosphere.
Matter of fact, I'm an atmosphere changer.
That's kind of the stance that I took.
I'm not going to allow fear to overtake me and I sit
and die in fear, but Imma get up from here.
And if there is a chance to live, I'm gonna do that.
And I think that's the message that
I kind of got from 2022, right?
And I agree with you.
I think that is the message for 2022. Right.
Don't let fear control your life.
I know a lot of people listening to
this shows like that's, easier said than done.
It's tough and it is tough.
A lot of us were kind of fearful
or didn't really wanna go outside.
I know I missed it, but I also was
kind of scared and in the back of my mind.
Like, I don't wanna really gather together with
a lot of people because I don't wanna
catch COVID So how do you suggest that people like
overcome that fear and just persevere through all the
challenges that life may throw at them?
Well, you know, by being a pastor, my answer
to that is, I guess more on the religious
side, or should I say my faith side.
And I guess my faith in God
and the teachings that I'm under.
It kind of gave me that
fortitude to press through the fears.
Of course, all of us had some type of
fear, some type of anxiety for a moment.
But the scripture tells us that God has
not given us the spirit of fear.
That does not mean that we cannot fear or things
will not come to make us afraid, but it just
means that we shouldn't take on fear to the point
where it paralyzes us, where it stops us from moving
or from any type of movement.
And of course, with the anxiety of social gatherings and
different things like that, I just believe that as we
took the precautions that needed to be taken and plus
we became more aware of the different herbs and stuff
that we had gotten away from because everything was fast
food and you know let me do things in a hurry.
So I think once we came back into
the acknowledgment of, okay, you know what, I
need to do things a little more healthier.
And we grasp that.
I think that helped us step out of the fear
factor and recognize that we had the ability through God
to overcome whatever this disease, virus that was going on.
Right, and I agree, I think you need
to have something to believe in, right?
Whether it be God, Allah, the universe, yahweh, something
you need to believe in and hold onto, that
you're gonna make it to the next day.
Right, and what you said is true.
Like, I think also just reflecting back on our previous
years, COVID really gave us a moment to sit down
and really realize what was precious about life, right?
Sitting and meeting together with people and sitting
down and actually having conversations with people.
Because I think over the years we kind of
separated from that because we have so much technology.
But the previous years before that is like, wow,
the simplest things in life is what matters.
Sitting across from your loved one, having a conversation,
family game night, all that stuff is important.
The hustle and the bustle, like, yes, work is
important, right, but we forget to stop sometimes and
smell the roses and just enjoy the little things.
And then 2022 was like a reintegration, right?
Like, man, we get to experience these things
again, we get to enjoy these things again,
we get to enjoy our family.
And let's not forget, because it
can be gone in an instant. Absolutely.
Life is really that vapor and you can have it
here 1 minute, and the next minute it's gone.
And during the pandemic, like you said, I
miss gathering with my family and friends. You know
we used to gather you know with some food, we sit down,
we ate, we laugh, we talk, we pray together.
And during the pandemic, it seemed like that
was taken away from us. Latavia: Mhmm Pastor Burrison: and people who
we spent years and days and hours with.
Now I can't reach out to you, I'm afraid to even deal
with you, Latavia: right. Pastor Burrison: I wanna hug you, I wanna embrace you.
Because we had that love for each other.
But now society and the system tells us we
can't come together, Latavia: Right: Pastor Burrison: we can't be with one another.
And I think it just made us realize that
as humans, we still enjoy human physical touch.
Pastor Burrison: Absolutely Latavia: We still enjoy that interaction that is us. Right.
Without that, we really, really miss it. you know Pastor Burrison: Absolutely.
And there's strength, there's unity
when we come together.
There's energy that happens when we
really come together with one accord.
I'm not talking about fighting and things like that.
Well, there's even an energy when
we come together to fight, right.
It could be a spirited discussion. Absolutely.
So I believe also that, that was a trick
of the enemy to even divide us, to overtake
us, Latavia: right Pastor Burrison: because people, that we would come together when
different issues and situations came up and we came
together with one mind and one spirit.
And we prayed on that thing.
Things happened.
And so the enemy didn't like that, right?
So let me separate them.
Let me divide them.
And how I've come to that conclusion is because during
the pandemic, all I did was I watched a lot
of the animal channels and watched how the different animals,
more so the lions would hunt the wildebeest or whatever
prey they were after what they would do.
These animals ran together and they moved together.
But if one animal got away from the
group, that's who the lion would target in
order to overtake and kill them.
And I watched that with the animal kingdom.
I said, how much different is that with the human life?
The enemy separates us so that he could overtake us.
And look at what happened during the pandemic.
We were separated from one another.
Your loved one went into the hospital.
Nobody could go.
So a lot of people died alone. Latavia: Right
And that's unheard of in our community.
Even if you mad at somebody or if there's a
family rivalry going on, if somebody gets sick or somebody
gets into a situation, everybody comes out of the woodwork.
They are there to support, to pray or
whatever, to nurse that person back, to health
And we've seen it many times.
Our loved ones get sick, everybody's at the
hospital around that bed praying until something happened.
They got up, they got better, they came home.
But we didn't see that during this pandemic,
which really hurt us to a certain extent. Latavia: It did
But talking about different perspectives now, right Pastor Burrison: Uh huh, mhmm Latavia: COVID also
allowed us to sit down and really look deep
within ourselves and self reflect about things we wanted
to do Pastor Burrison Absolutely Latavia: when the isolation was over.
And now more and more people are
motivated to go do those things, right? Pastor Burrison: Yes
Because time was taken away.
So it's like now I realize time is short.
Let me get it together.
Let me go accomplish these goals or do things that I've
never done before because I've always wanted to do it.
And I don't wanna be in this situation again
where I've had woulda, shoulda, coulda or regrets, right? Pastor Burrison: Right.
It also gave us the time to self reflect and
say, man, what do we really want out of life?
What are my goals?
What is my vision? Right?
And now that we're out, a lot of us
are going to accomplish it cause a lot of
us have started our own businesses now.
So there is good and bad with everything. Pastor Burrison: Oh yea, Absolutely.
And some people took that time to just love
on themselves and love on their loved ones.
Great if you're using that time for that.
And yes, a lot of people have done that.
Myself as well, have done that.
Looking at things differently now.
And now, even for 2023, there's some things
that I kind of sat on that.
Now I realize, hey, you don't know
how much time you really have, Latavia: right
So now you have to get up.
You have to begin to move forward.
And I like to say this statement.
Even at church, God is in movement.
As long as you're moving, things come together.
All things begin to work together for your good. Latavia: Right.
Things may not work out, but
it comes together for good.
Because when things don't work out, it also teaches
you a lesson on how to now recreate. Right.
There was a quote by one of my favorite actresses.
It was Tamara Mowry from Sister Sister
She says rejection is God's protection. Right. Pastor Burrison: Right.
Latavia: So every time you think you get
rejected, you think it's a setback, right?
But sometimes it could be a setback, because
God, the universe, whoever you believe in, again,
believes that, hey, there's something greater for you.
But you gotta work to do with inside yourself
so that I could elevate you to that next step.
And I always tell people, he can open doors for you,
but you gotta do the work to make sure you
ready to walk through that door when you get there.
That's one of the lessons I learned in 2022, is
you have to be intentional with your actions, right?
You have to really put them out
there cause door can open for you.
But you have to be intentional about going to
get it and making sure you're there to receive
it as well Pastor Burrison: Right Latavia: and in a space to receive it right.
A lot of the times we think, oh, the
door opened, I'm gonna walk right in.
But are you ready for the task at hand?
Do you have the skills yet to be ready for that?
Or sometimes when the door closes?
Man, I really wanted that, but I guess it's not for me.
So Imma stop going after it. No.
Maybe it just wasn't your time.
Everything has a time, and everything has a season.
It just wasn't your time.
Doesn't mean that that's not what you should be
going after or what you need to go after.
It just wasn't your time to go get it.
So don't give up, right?
Even if that door closes, don't give up.
The reward is gonna be that much sweeter
because you had to work hard to get it.
And that's what I've been looking at
over the past couple of years.
Even in 2022, it was hard. Right.
Pastor Burrison: Mhmm Latvia: But 2023 is going to be that season
of all that hard work we put in. Pastor Burrison: Its Coming
We gonna get reward. Pastor Burrison: Yeah.
And another perception is some things, and some people were
moved out of the way so that you can actually
get in in order to perform your skill.
And that's not necessarily always a bad thing.
Pastor Burrison: Right Latavia: People look at it like I lost friends, I lost family. No
I like to say sometimes you grow apart from people. You know
We don't stay the same.
If we stayed the same, the world will be boring. Right.
Pastor Burrison: Yes Latavia: If we evolve and we didn't change and we didn't adapt.
And I think that's what's so great about human beings.
We can adapt. Right.
It's easier for some than for others, but we can adapt. Pastor Burrison: And
You have to realize, just like we see spaceships,
spaceships are no good without the rocket, but the
rocket does not go into outer space.
At a certain point, that rocket drops off so that you
can go to your next place and your next season.
So it's just like friends and family.
Sometimes they are just there to help boost
you to that position where you can really
soar but they can't soar with you. Right.
I always say it's quality over quantity, right?
So A lot of people think I have to
have a lot of people around me. But
Who are you surrounding yourself with?
Are they helping you elevate? Right?
cause that's what people are supposed to help you
elevate, help you become the person you want to
be or help you in your endeavors. Right?Pastor Burrison: Right
So it's quality over quantity.
Do you have those good friends that's gonna tell you
what you need to hear versus what you want to hear?
cause sometimes what you need to hear may
not be what you want to hear. Pastor Burrison: Absolutely. Latavia: Right
Pastor Burrison: Those friends need to know you as well, that
they would know how to express truth to you. Latavia: Exactly.
Pastor Burrison: Because sometimes truth can't be raw, Latavia: Right Pastor Burrison: but that comes
with the development of our friendship as well.
Can I really say that?
Or do I need to look within myself on the tone of
how I say what I need to say to you so that
you can receive it and better yourself and not make me mad?
(Latavia Laughing) Right.
To be honest, that's like one of the
things I learned about myself is that I
can give you the raw, honest truth. Right.
But sometimes my delivery may not always be correct.
It may be too harsh and not
palatable for people to listen to.
And I think that's one of
the lessons I learned in 2022.
That's a great lesson and a lot of
people need to learn that lesson because we
can be raw thinking that we are right.
And you may be right.
And that even brings me to a story in the Bible
where David had sinned with Bashiba and God gave it to
the prophet to let him know that he had sinned, but
he could not walk into the palace of the king and
say, hey, King, you sinned, you're a dirty dog.
He couldn't do that.
Or the king had the authority to cut his head off. Latavia: Right
Pastor Burrison: And that's what happens with us.
A lot of times we feel that we have truth and we
go and we share it raw and then we get cut.
That person cut us with their tongue, give
us a good tongue lashing, cuss us out.
But when you learn how to you know hey, let me
talk to you, I wanna be honest with
you about a certain situation, then that person can you know
look within themselves and say, hey, you know what?
You're right about that.
I didn't really handle that right,
or, I didn't do that right.
Thank you for being my friend and being honest with me.
Now, there are times where you have to be raw. Latavia: Yeah.
And I think I had to learn to
pick and choose Pastor Burrison: Yes Latavia: when to be raw right.
cause I think what I associated the rawness
with is like, well, if I'm sugar coating
it, then I'm not being honest.
So because you have to be diplomatic
does not mean that you're sugar coating. Right.
And that's what I had to learn to.
(Instrumental Music)
What do you think you learned in 2022?
I'd say the same.
I learned how to turn my fears into a positive
energy that would make me not sit back and think
that things are gonna drop in my lap.
But it made me get up now and begin
to put some things together, to organize some things.
cause sometimes we're moving and going, but you know we
come out looking like we're together, but on
the inside, everything is in a disarray.
So 22 helped me organize some things, first mentally
and then physically, and also being better with time,
trying not to do everything last minute.
Everything is sporadic.
I'm getting away from that. Yeah.
cause I think it's important to remember
everything is still a work in progress. Right. Pastor Burrison: Right
Latavia: You may realize things about yourself, but
you still gotta work on them. Pastor Burrison: Absolutely.
And so I'm looking at things in life like
that more, and 22 helped me do that.
Let's be on time.
Let's organize that's key.
Because where there's order, there's expansion,
(Gems Were Just Dropped Sound Effect)
and we don't think about it.
But McDonald's has expanded because
there's order to it.
They're not haphazardly making a menu.
Latavia: That is true.
Pastor Burrison: The menu is the same everywhere.
The process is the same everywhere.
And when you have that process and everybody's on
the same page with the process and not being
afraid to drop the people who are not with
the process, then your stuff will expand. Right.
But it's when we drop something
over here, it's not in order.
You go and, the place looks disheveled.
You don't want to go there. Latavia: You're right.
is that one of the things
you taking with you in 2023? Pastor Burrison: Absolutely.
Organize your mess.
Latavia: I'll take it.
What else are you taking with you in 2023? Pastor Burrison: Do it.
Don't be afraid to do it.
And don't be afraid to fail or
what we consider failing, cause some things
we consider failing is really not failing.
It's just a lesson learned.
That's a nice way of looking at it.
And one thing that the lord gave me was to
stop looking at everything as a trial and tribulation and
begin to look at your life as an adventure. Latavia: OOOO
Pastor Burrison: Begin to look at things as an adventure as opposed to
a trial and you know a test and a hardship you'll enjoy whatever
comes your way in the next years to come.
If not, you'll be miserable because you'll feel like
you didn't accomplish this, you didn't do that.
And on an adventure, you experience
a little bit of everything.
But everything may not be your
assignment or your God given task. Latavia: Right.
See that's why perception is everything, cause I tend to
and when things get tough, it's a trial.
It's tribulation.
But if I look at it as an
adventure, adventures comes with highs and lows. Right.
I think I'm taking that perspective with me in 2023.
Look at it this way.
Because you can bake a cake doesn't
mean that you are a baker. Latavia: That is true.
But you do well when you do bake.
But it doesn't mean that you are
supposed to now open up a bakery.
That's where we miss things.
We don't know how to enjoy the moment of something.
God allowed me to do well in this
moment, but that does not mean that now
this is supposed to become a lifetime assignment.
I've caused you to experience a little bit of this.
I've caused you to experience a little bit of that.
You're headed towards what your
ultimate destiny in life is.
But on the journey, I'm gonna
allow you to experience these things.
But don't get so connected until it now
paralyzes you, because you feel like, I did
not accomplish this to the fullest.
No, I was only supposed to
experience a little bit of this.
I think that's because when you experience the thing,
it builds a little bit of your character.
It may shape you in some way.
That experience may change your thought process
or may change your overall outlook. Pastor Burrison: True
Latavia: So I think you are supposed to experience
things, whether that's supposed to be your God
given talent, that experience is gonna set
you up for something in the future.
So that is a good way to look at it.
(Delayed Beat Sound Effect)
What is your vision for 2023?
One of my goals is I think I want to move Latavia:Ooo moving! Alright.
Where Too?
Pastor Burrison: I wanna move in the Southland, but I just wanna
make sure that is what I'm supposed to do.
But that's my desire.
A lot of my ministry work is in
the south, so that's one of my goals.
I'm really trying to see you know where that would
take me, where I can go with that. Latavia: Alright.
I think one of my goals, to get my driver's license, and
I actually want to go back to school for my PhD.
So those are my goals for 2023.
(Instrumental Music)
So we're at the end of our episode, and usually
at the end of my episode, I like to ask my
guest, what is one quote that you live by?
It is time for the quote of the episode.
So, Pastor Burrison, what is one
quote that you live by?
All things are working together, even though they
may not work out Latavia: OOO that is deep. Okay. Pastor Burrison: Yes.
Everything is working together for my good,
even though it may not work out.
And I think that we lose it because we have a
lot of times where things don't work out, and so we
think that, oh, maybe I shouldn't have done that.
Maybe I shouldn't have, no it didn't work
out, but it's still working together to help
you get to where you gonna be. Yeah.
And I think that sums up this whole episode, cause
it was talking about previous years in 2020 and 2021
didn't work out, I would say, for just about anybody.
But it all came together in 2022, and it gave us
some good things, and 2023 is gonna give us some
even more good things because we did all the hard work
in 2022, so we just gotta keep working in it.
So thank you so much for coming on. Pastor Burrison: Thank you, Thank you
I greatly appreciate it.
This was a great, great conversation. Yes.
We definitely have to do it again.
And guys, if you would like to donate to Queens
On A Roll podcast, I have a patreon account.
There's four tiers up there for you to choose from.
Thank you guys so much!
for supporting me, sharing subscribing.
Please continue to run my numbers up again.
Thank you, Pastor Burrison. Thank you.
I greatly appreciate it.
And we are rolling out!
See you guys next week! Bye!
(Instrumental Music)
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