Queens On A Roll
Queens On A Roll
S3 Episode 7: This Bill Doesn't Affect Me!
Description of Image: Black background On the left is an African American female with a white off the shoulder shirt in a wheelchair. Then Queens On A Roll in Gray Letters with a purple outline with a crown on the Q. The word Roll looks like a wheelchair and the word podcast in Gray Letters with a purple outline in all four corners
In this episode I take an in depth look into the Medicaid Parity Bill S3468. So come roll with us!
00:00(Instrumental Music) You gotta Dstackz Beat
00:03(Instrumental Music) Yeah I gotta Dstackz Beat
00:07(Instrumental Music)
00:09(Instrumental Music) Listen to the beat y'all
00:12(Instrumental Music)
00:14(Instrumental Music) Come on, Dstackz, bring it in
00:17(Instrumental Music)
00:19(Instrumental Music & Singing) Heyyyyy, Heyyy, Heyy, Hey
00:25(Instrumental Music)
00:28(Instrumental Music & Singing) Wooo Queens On A Roll, Woohoo Queens On A Roll
00:38(Instrumental Music) Powerful Queen On A Roll
00:43(Instrumental Music & Singing) Beautiful Queens, Queens, Queens On A Roll
00:48(Instrumental Music & Singing) We're moving, we're grooving, we're jamming we're slamming Queens On A Roll
00:59(Instrumental Music) We're moving, we're grooving, we're jamming, we're slamming Queens, Queens, Queens On A Roll.
01:08(Instrumental Music) She's educating and inspiring everyone that has challenges Queens, Queens On A Roll.
01:18(Instrumental Music) She's educating and inspiring everyone and having fun she's Queens On A Roll
01:27(Instrumental Music & Singing) Wooo Queens On A Roll OOO Who Queen On A Roll
01:37(Instrumental Music & Singing) Powerful Queens On A Roll
01:42(Instrumental Music & Singing) Beautiful Queen On A Roll
01:48(Instrumental Music & Singing) Come Roll With Us, OO Who Come Roll with Us
01:58(Instrumental Music & Singing) Come Roll With Us, Woohoo Come Roll with Us!
02:07(Instrumental Music & Singing) Wooo Queen On A Roll, Wooo Who Queen On A Roll
02:17(Instrumental Music & Singing) Ooo Queens, Queens, Queens & Bells Chiming
02:30Hey Everyone! & Welcome back
02:32to Queens On A Roll podcast.
02:34This is Latavia here and in today's episode, I wanted
02:38to go in depth on the Medicaid Parity bill. S 3468.
02:43but before we get into that,
02:45(Its Time For Roll Call Sound Effect)
02:51I would like to thank Shontae Usman for her
02:54donation to Queens On A Roll podcast.
02:56Thank you for your continued support.
02:58You are amazing!
03:00(Cheering Sound Effect)
03:18So I decided to do an in depth episode on the
03:21Medicaid Parity bill because last week, Mike Caputo from JK Prosthetics
03:26and Orthotics was urging us to call our New York state
03:30legislators and tell them to pass the bill.
03:32But after the episode aired, a lot of the
03:34feedback I was getting was, I'm not in braces.
03:37So it doesn't affect me,
03:38(but News Flash Sound Effect)
03:42it does affect
03:43you, and it may impact someone in your family.
03:46So let's roll!!
03:50(Instrumental Music)
04:23So first things first.
04:25What is the medicaid parity, bill?
04:27The Medicaid Parity bill, according to NYsenate.gov, provides parity to durable medical equipment providers
04:34by requiring Medicaid managed care organizations to reimburse
04:38such providers at no less than 100% of
04:41the medical assistance, durable medical equipment and complex
04:45rehabilitation technology fee schedule for the same service
04:49or item.
04:50So like Mr.
04:51Mike Caputo said on the last episode, that would
04:54mean instead of being reimbursed 30 or 40% of
04:57what the item is, they will be reimbursed 100%.
05:01So this would allow companies
05:03to provide quality materials.
05:04And boy, have I noticed a decline in the quality of
05:08materials because I have been in a wheelchair since the age
05:11of five and braces since 18 months of age.
05:14Now, before you say, see, this bill doesn't
05:17have anything to do with me, it does,
05:20because durable medical equipment not only includes braces,
05:24prosthesis, and wheelchairs, but it also includes oxygen
05:28equipment, catheters, test strips for diabetes, glucose machine,
05:34breast pumps, breast prosthesis, walker and canes, hospital
05:38beds, scooters, commodes, nebulizers, this is to name
05:43just a few.
05:44Need I go any further?
05:46Now, do you think this bill is not for you?
05:49Durable medical equipment is something that we all may
05:52need at some point in our lives because durable
05:55medical equipment helps people achieve a higher quality of
05:59life while still living at home.
06:01But wait, there's more.
06:03(Suspenseful Sound Effect)
06:11This bill also helps to
06:13reimburse complex rehabilitation technology.
06:16Are you wondering what
06:17complex rehabilitation technology is?
06:20Well I'm going to tell you
06:23(Delayed Beat Sound Effect)
06:26According to Udservices.org, complex rehabilitation technology
06:31is specialized equipment used by individuals
06:34with certain mobility disabilities.
06:36It's designed to help you perform activities of
06:39daily living to the fullest extent possible so
06:42you can participate in everyday life.
06:44Some complex rehab technologies are adaptive seating
06:49systems, alternative seating and positioning systems, standing
06:53devices, gate trainers and augmentative alternative communication
06:57devices, or assistive technology.
07:00So this bill encompasses a lot, and it affects
07:05all of us, not just one of us.
07:07So please come out and support JK prosthetics and
07:10orthotics rally on October 21st from 10:00 A.M. to
07:1502:00 P.M. at their location, which is 6999 North
07:19Macquesten Parkway, Mount Vernon, New York 10552.
07:25Again, it is 699 North Macquesten.
07:29That is M-A-C-Q-U-E-S-T-E-N.
07:33Parkway, mount vernon, new york 10552.
07:38And again, I'm going to do another call to action, and
07:42please ask you guys to call your New York State legislators
07:46and ask them to pass the Medicaid Parity S. 3468 bill because we need it.
07:53What affects one of us affects all of us.
07:57(Instrumental Music)
08:30So now it is time for the quote of the episode.
08:35And today's quote is by Angela Y. Davis.
08:40She says, I am no longer
08:42accepting the things I cannot change.
08:45I am changing the things I cannot accept.
08:48And I think this quote is so great for today's
08:51episode, because even though it may feel like we can't
08:55change it, everyone speaking up and speaking out about how
08:58important this bill is, will create change.
09:02When we let our voices be heard, change comes about.
09:06So please, again, I urge you to let
09:08your voices be heard and tell your legislators
09:11to pass the Medicaid Parity bill, S. 3468. And don't forget to come out to the rally.
09:18I will be there on October 21st.
09:22(Cartoon Stair Climbing Sound Effect)
09:26All right, that's all I have for you today, folks!
09:29Thank you so much for listening!
09:31Thank you so much for subscribing!
09:34I have a patreon account.
09:36There's four tiers up there for you to choose
09:38from, so please, if you can go and donate.
09:42And if you would like to follow me, you
09:44can follow me on my YouTube page, my Instagram
09:47page, my Facebook page, and my TikTok.
09:50They are all named Queens On A Roll.
09:53And to subscribe to this show, hit the
09:56plus button in the upper left hand corner
09:58on any of your streaming platforms.
10:00That will let you know when a new episode
10:03of Queens On A Roll podcast is out.
10:05And we are rolling out! Bye, guys!
10:08See you next week!
10:12(Instrumental Music)
10:58PLEASE go follow our insta @queensonaroll.podcast & FB Queens On A Roll
11:01& submit those questions to queensonaroll.podcast@gmail.com