Queens On A Roll
Queens On A Roll
S3: Episode 8: I'm Sick & Tired: Top 5 Misconceptions About People In The Ably Different Community
Description of Image: Black background On the left is an African American female with a white off the shoulder shirt in a wheelchair. Then Queens On A Roll in Gray Letters with a purple outline with a crown on the Q. The word Roll looks like a wheelchair and the word podcast in Gray Letters with a purple outline in all four corners
In this episode I share my top 5 misconceptions about people in the ably different community that I am so sick and tired of hearing! & I want you to share yours! So drop them in the comments below & Come Roll With Us!
00:00(Instrumental Music) You gotta Dstackz Beat
00:03(Instrumental Music) Yeah I gotta Dstackz Beat
00:07(Instrumental Music)
00:09(Instrumental Music) Listen to the beat y'all
00:11(Instrumental Music)
00:14(Instrumental Music) Come on, Dstackz, bring it in
00:17(Instrumental Music)
00:19(Instrumental Music & Singing) Heyyyyy, Heyyy, Heyy, Hey
00:25(Instrumental Music)
00:27(Instrumental Music & Singing) Wooo Queens On A Roll, Woohoo Queens On A Roll
00:38(Instrumental Music) Powerful Queen On A Roll
00:43(Instrumental Music & Singing) Beautiful Queens, Queens, Queens On A Roll
00:48(Instrumental Music & Singing) We're moving, we're grooving, we're jamming we're slamming Queens On A Roll
00:58(Instrumental Music) We're moving, we're grooving, we're jamming, we're slamming Queens, Queens, Queens On A Roll.
01:08(Instrumental Music) She's educating and inspiring everyone that has challenges Queens, Queens On A Roll.
01:18(Instrumental Music) She's educating and inspiring everyone and having fun she's Queens On A Roll
01:28(Instrumental Music & Singing) Wooo Queens On A Roll OOO Who Queen On A Roll
01:37(Instrumental Music & Singing) Powerful Queens On A Roll
01:42(Instrumental Music & Singing) Beautiful Queen On A Roll
01:47(Instrumental Music & Singing) Come Roll With Us, OO Who Come Roll with Us
01:58(Instrumental Music & Singing) Come Roll With Us, Woohoo Come Roll with Us!
02:07(Instrumental Music & Singing) Wooo Queen On A Roll, Wooo Who Queen On A Roll
02:17(Instrumental Music & Singing) Ooo Queens, Queens, Queens & Bells Chiming
02:30Hey Everyone! & Welcome back
02:32to Queens On A Roll podcast.
02:34This is Latavia here.
02:36And on today's episode, in honor of Disability Awareness
02:39Month, I wanted to dispel some common misconceptions about
02:43people who are ably different, because I am so
02:46sick and tired of getting asked these questions or
02:49hearing these comments every time I go out.
02:51So I'm going to give you my top five.
02:53But first things first.
02:55Happy Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
02:58And this Sunday, October 22nd, is
03:01New York Disability Pride Parade.
03:04So come out and show all of your pride, everyone!
03:07(Cheering Sound Effect)
03:18And last but not least, I am super excited
03:21for this Saturday, October 21st, because it is JK
03:25Prosthetic Stand Up for Mobility rally to fight for
03:28the passing of the Medicaid Parity Bill.
03:30So if you can, please, please, please come out and support
03:35because like I said in the previous episode, the
03:37Medicaid Parity Bill not only affects you, but it
03:41may also affect someone you know.
03:43The rally starts at 10:00 A.m.
03:45And ends at 02:00 P.m..
03:47The address is 699 North
03:50Macqueston Parkway, Mount Vernon, New York 10552.
03:55Again, the address is 699 North M-a-c-.
04:03Parkway, Mount Vernon, New York, 10552.
04:08And I hope to see you there, everyone!
04:10All right, let's roll!
04:15(Instrumental Music)
04:50So number 5
04:52On my top five list of misconceptions about
04:55people who are ably different is people always
04:59giving out information for adult day programs.
05:02Now, I know some people who are ably different
05:05do attend adult day programs, but my problem is,
05:08why do people always have to give my mother
05:11information about it and assume that I need one?
05:14Because I am in a wheelchair.
05:16What about me being in a wheelchair says that
05:18I need to be in a day program?
05:20Why not ask, what are you doing during the day?
05:23Would you like information for our program?
05:26Don't assume I am not doing anything.
05:28Like my mom always says, assumptions make
05:31an ass out of me and you're.
05:34(HeadSpin Jingle Music)
05:43All right, moving right along, number 4 on my top
05:47five list is, why do people always assume that people
05:51who are ably different can't do anything for themselves?
05:55They always assume we need help with everything.
05:59This is so not true.
06:01Yes, some people who are ably different need
06:03more help with things than others, but even
06:06then, we can do things for ourselves.
06:08(Sideman Strut Jingle Music)
06:14All right, are y'all ready for number 3?
06:17Number three is, why do people always assume
06:20that we are always in our wheelchairs?
06:22I can't tell you how many times I
06:24get asked, so how do you sleep?
06:26Do you sleep in a chair or in a bed?
06:28Their answer is in a bed.
06:30And I say, okay, I sleep in a bed too.
06:33I am not glued to my wheelchair.
06:35It is just something I use to get around.
06:37(Three Pointer Jingle Music)
06:48Okay, so are y'all ready?
06:50(Buckle up & Get Ready Sound Effect)
06:53because number 2 is coming at ya
06:56why do people assume that
06:57who are ably different cannot talk?
06:59I cannot tell you how many times people
07:01will ask whoever I'm with, can she talk?
07:04Whether it be my mom or my friends.
07:06This is extremely annoying because people won't even
07:09acknowledge that I'm there and just ask them.
07:12And my mom or my friends will say, Ask her.
07:15And I will say yes.
07:17I can talk.
07:18And they will make this sound.
07:21(Gasping Sound Effect)
07:22I'm always puzzled by why they seem so shocked.
07:26I understand that some people who are ably different are nonverbal but that doesn't mean all of us are nonverbal
07:34(Collins Ave Jingle Music)
07:56Alright so are y'all ready for the number 1 misconception about people who
08:01are ably different drum roll, please.
08:03(Drum Roll Sound Effectt)
08:07The number 1 misconception, or the question that I
08:11get asked a lot is can you have sex?
08:15Can we please get rid of this misconception!
08:19People who are ably different can
08:21and do participate in sexual intercourse.
08:24I don't know if y'all remember Janine who was
08:26on this show too, but she has cerebral palsy
08:29and is raising her able bodied son.
08:31So yes, we can and
08:34do participate in sexual intercourse.
08:37So these are my top five misconceptions
08:39about people who are ably different.
08:41But I want to hear your top five
08:44misconceptions about people who are ably different.
08:47Drop them in the comments below and I will
08:50share them on all my social media platforms.
08:54(Instrumental Music)
09:35So now it is time for the quote of the episode.
09:39And today's quote is by Mark Twain.
09:42He states, the trouble with the world is not
09:44that people know too little, it's that they know
09:47so many things that just aren't so.
09:49And this quote fits perfectly with this
09:51episode because for some able bodied people,
09:54they believe these misconceptions are factual about
09:57the ably different community, when in fact,
10:00they couldn't be further from the truth.
10:02So I encourage you that if you meet someone who
10:05is ably different, throw all the societal perceptions away and
10:09just get to know us as individuals, you will be
10:11surprised at what we know and what we can do.
10:14And remember, don't shy away from us just because
10:17we are different, because we enjoy life too.
10:19(Delayed Beat Sound Effect)
10:22So that's all I have for you today, folks!
10:25Thank you so, so much for listening!
10:28And again, I want to hear your top
10:30five misconceptions about people who are ably different.
10:34So drop them in the comments below and I
10:36will share them on all my social media platforms.
10:40I also have a patreon account.
10:41There's four tiers up there for you to choose from
10:44and if you would like to ask me or any
10:46of my guests questions, you can email queensonaroll. podcast@gmail.com.
10:54It is queensonaroll.podcast@gmail.com.
10:58And if you would like to follow me, you can follow
11:00me on the Instagram page, the Facebook page, my YouTube page,
11:05my TikTok page and they are all Queens On A Roll.
11:09And you can subscribe to the show by clicking the plus
11:14button in the top left hand or right hand corner.
11:17It depends on which streaming platform you are using,
11:20but that will let you know that new episodes
11:23of Queens On a Roll is out.
11:25And thank you again so much guys for listening!
11:28You guys are awesome!
11:29And we are rolling out!
11:31Bye guys, see you next week!
11:34(Instrumental Music)
12:20PLEASE go follow our insta @queensonaroll.podcast & FB & Tik Tok Queens On A Roll
12:24& submit those questions to queensonaroll.podcast@gmail.com & Share your top 5 in the comments below!